A downloadable game

In Z3R0, you play as a killer robot, and you run around killing other killer robots. 

Your robot's battery has malfunctioned and is unstable. It is overheating every second, and every time you shoot your gun, it gets a little hotter. Pick up ice to reduce your battery's temperature.

There are 5 levels, and at the end of each level is a gate. You need to pay a certain amount of credits/money to open each gate. You get money from killing enemies, the price ranges from 50 credits to 400, but getting those credits isn't an issue. Once you get to the gate at the end of the level, shoot it, and if you have enough credits, it will open, and you can go to the next level.

WASD to move.

Left-mouse button to shoot.

Mouse to aim.


Z3R0.zip 2.1 MB
Z3R0.exe 15 MB

Install instructions

Download either the executable or the ZIP file. Installing the exe. file is recommended.

If you downloaded the ZIP file, you have to extract/unzip the file, and then you should only have to find the unzipped file, and start the application, and play, unless there's a step that I forgot about.

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